Prof. Issa Yavari

Issa Yavari was born in Kermanshah, Iran. He studied chemistry at Pars College in Tehran and received his PhD degree in 1977 from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) under the supervision of Prof. Frank A. L. Anet, working on stereochemical applications of NMR spectroscopy and computational chemistry.

 After a postdoctoral fellowship with Prof. John D. Roberts at California Institute of Technology (CalTech), where he studied N-H proton-transfer reactions by 15N NMR spectroscopy, he joined Mazandaran University as an Assistant Professor. In 1987 he moved to his current position on the faculty at the University of Tarbiate Modares as full Professor.

The research interest of his group are mainly focused on hetereocyclic syntheses and the development of new copper-catalyzed transformations.


Invited Lectures



See Also




Agricultural University of Georgia


Association of Professional Chemists
of Georgia