Prof. migel yus

Miguel Yus was born in Zaragoza (Spain) in 1947, and received his BSc (1969), MSc (1971) and PhD (1973) degrees from the University of Zaragoza. After spending two years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim a.d. Ruhr he returned to Spain to the University of Oviedo where he became associate professor in 1977, being promoted to full professor in 1987 at the same university. In 1988 he moved to a chair in Organic Chemistry at the University of Alicante where he is currently the head of the newly created Organic Synthesis Institute (ISO). Professor Yus has been visiting professor at different institutions and universities among them ETH-Zentrum, Oxford, Harvard, Uppsala, Marseille, Tucson, Okayama, Paris, Strasbourg, Bolonia, Sassari, Tokyo and Kyoto. He is co-author of more than 500 papers (and five patents) and has supervised 55 Doctoral Theses (already presented), and delivered more than 150 lectures, most of them abroad. Among others, he has received the Spanish-French Prize (1999), twice the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Prize (Okayama 2000, Kyoto 2007), the Stiefvater Memorial Lectureship Award (Lincoln 2001), the Nagase Science and Technology Foundation fellowship (Kyoto 2003), the Cellchem Lectureship (Sheffield 2005), the Singenta Lectureship (Basel 2007), the Fundeun-Iberdrola Prize (Alicante 2007), the Serratosa Lectureship (Barcelona 2010), the Conferencia Lourenço-Madinaveitia (Lisboa 2012), the Medalla Felix Serratosa from the RSEQ (Madrid 2012), being also named recently Active Academician from the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Salzburg 2012). Professor Yus has been in the Advisory Board of 20 international journals, among others, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Letters, The Chemical Record, Current Organic Chemistry, Current Chemical Biology, Jordan Journal of Chemistry, Applied Sciences, and Trends in Organic Chemistry, being also Editor-in-Chief of Letters in Organic Chemistry and Regional Editor of The World Journal of Chemistry. His current research interest is focused on the preparation of very reactive functionalized organometallic compounds and their use in synthetic organic chemistry, arene-catalyzed activation of different metals, preparation of new metal-based catalysts, including metallic nanoparticles, for homogeneous and heterogeneous selective reactions, and asymmetric catalysis. Professor Yus and other members of the ISO founded the new chemical company MEDALCHEMY S.L. to commercialize fine chemicals.


Invited Lectures



See Also




Agricultural University of Georgia


Association of Professional Chemists
of Georgia